Thursday, July 14, 2011

Embrace the Beauty of an Ordinary Day

That expression puts a whole new meaning to “carpe diem”.  Or, “seize the day.”  I always thought that turn of phrase meant to make my days extraordinary.  But I’m beginning to realize that seizing the day has more to do with embracing the every day, plain old, wonderfully ordinary stuff.  The breaths in and out… the flow that happens when we have a rhythm like no one else’s.  Almost like a melody with notes and pauses- from get up and go, to cuddling on the couch reading, to scrambling to make dinner with one baby crying and the other one “helping”.  It sounds idyllic when I put it that way doesn’t it?  It often doesn’t feel that way though.  The scrambling leads to frustration, the baby’s cries that intermingle with the older one’s, “I do it!” become exasperating instead of endearing.  I realize that I need to step back.  Take a breath; recognize that there’s beauty in the chaos and moments to cherish in the quiet.

So how do I cherish?  How do we purposefully create a sense of family?  Previously, people didn’t worry about having an awareness of family, or about cultivating closeness.  But then, most of the time the family wasn’t competing with TV, computer, the ever present IPhone and with 4G (or is it 5?) internet capability; and in addition to media, there are activities to do, the latest noisy toy, play dates and more.  My little ones are so young still, yet I can see the competition vying for their attention… and ours.

I think deliberately being in the moment is a way to see the beauty of the everyday.  Small things tied to the bigger parts of our day. The daily after-nap activity that helps me to take time for my oldest, enjoying his help with dinner instead of being frustrated with the mess of spices on the counter, and nursing my little one and just focusing on him and his gummy smile for a few minutes. 

Being conscious of those everyday moments is one of my reasons for starting this blog.  I want to have a space to concentrate on those instances, reflect on them and learn to truly appreciate them.  I also want to discover ways to cultivate family harmony and a place share my thoughts and dreams.  Love, Laughter and Laundry is that place.  Yes, I have dreams.  Wonderfully ordinary dreams.

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