Thursday, November 10, 2011

To Pause

It’s the time of year when you wish for your pace to slow.  To pause.  To enjoy the brief days before they become shorter still.  Yet this is the time of year when, alternatively, things get busier.  Our family has seven birthdays just between October 21st and November 17th.  On top of that the calendar fills with social events, service projects and very soon, Christmas shopping. (For me anyway- I know many thrifty mamas are already well on their way.  Maybe next year I can manage that.  Maybe.) 

But today the chill in the air and the falling, crunching leaves make me just want to curl up with a good book.  Never mind that I did exactly that yesterday.  Or I could just sit and stare at the tree filling our front window with all its brilliant red glory.  Then again I’d love to simply knit and watch the boys play (that is- if they’d let me.)  Or perhaps I could peruse the internet reading my favorite blogs and searching for Christmas gifts ideas for my little ones, who actually need absolutely nothing but Mommy- ahem, I mean Santa, wants to spoil anyways. 

Instead, I will do more cleaning, organizing and start packing for our quick weekend trip to Michigan for my father-in-law’s 50th birthday, which my mother-in-law so sweetly offered to us.  We’re right in the thick of everything, with a food drive the week we get back and then preparation for my parents visit to us for Thanksgiving.  After that… well I’ll write about it later. 

Sometimes the busyness can feel overwhelming.   That'swhen I have to remind myself to enjoy the pauses when they come and to otherwise embrace the busy, sometimes chaotic but usually celebratory time of family, friends and love.

Today's Pause...

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