Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Baking Up Traditions

We have been doing our activity advent calendar since December 1st.  I have to say that its been a big hit so far.  But today was definitely the best day yet.  Today we made Christmas cookies.  Its my great grandma’s recipe, and she told me that she used to make them when she was a little girl.  There’s something incredibly sweet in Hayden making the same cookies that his great-great grandma used to make.  I took a bunch of pictures and am going to take them to her when we head up to Michigan for the holidays.  (Yes, my wonderful Gram is still alive- 92 years young!)

We make Christmas cookies every year.  But this year was extra fun.  For the first time Hayden could actually cut out the cookies, shake the shaped dough into his palm and hand it to me to put on the cookie sheet.  He helped me cut all 4 ½ dozen cookies.  Then we took a break for lunch and rest time.

The break in the activity was great, after that though, he was ready to get back at it.  I frosted while Hayden decorated.  He did a great job and actually decorated them all!  I couldn’t believe it, I thought that he’d get bored and I’d end up doing most of the decorating.  Nope.  He had a blast and told his Daddy every detail about it.  He even remembered decorating cookies last year in our Memphis home.  That time he only decorated four cookies, this year…over four dozen!

Mason was great too.  He sat contentedly in his high chair squishing up banana (occasionally eating some too.)  When he started to fuss I just cleaned him up and set him on the floor and he happily played at our feet and crawled all over the living room.   The afternoon followed the same pattern.

It was so wonderful to see something that I did with my Mom, and that I’ve done every year since moving out of the house become a family tradition that my own sweet boys can be part of.

Rolled dough, baked cookies, frosting, and a sprinkling of colored sugar equals a joyful day to be cherished forever.

I even set the camera up and took some pictures of myself with the boys.
The lighting leaves a lot to be desired, but I still love all the moments...

Mason loved exploring while we baked.

The finished product.  Yummy!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Happy Craftmas!

So yesterday I looked at my project list and suddenly grasped that, um, tomorrow (now today) is December 1st and I had yet to finish Hayden’s Activity Advent Calendar!  YIKES!  So I worked on it until one am, realized that I had about three hours of work to go, wrote his first day’s activity down, put it in the incomplete calendar and went to bed.

Today Hayden happily pulled open the first box and didn’t seem to mind a bit that most of the rest were unfinished and (if he’d opened them up) empty.  But the partial advent calendar (and the date!) made me realize how much there is to do.

For Christmas I have several projects going.  Felt balls for Mason, a satchel (just like in Tangled) for Hayden.  Decorating our homemade Christmas tree- where we make almost all the ornaments for it. Qwillows for the nieces, hats & mittens for the boys.  Not the mention the Advent Calendar currently sitting on the table staring me in the face. 

Yes, much to do, along with the shopping, preparing holiday dinners, going to parties, wrapping (lots), sending out Christmas cards, Arnie traveling (lots), and then heading up to Michigan for the holiday itself.  Much to do indeed.

But honestly, I’m not overly worried about it.  If I were, you’d never read this post because I’d be too busy going crazy with projects.  I’m rather excited about all the fun things that I have to do.  And the deadline means that I might actually get them done.  I’ll finish the calendar tonight.  Then make a list for the rest, and start working on them tomorrow.  Now the state of my house while getting these projects done is, well, a whole ’nother blog post.

Time to get crafting!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Christmas Photography

Pinterest has become a new pastime for me.  I’m not actually a member yet, I’m on the waiting list.  But that doesn’t stop me from perusing hundreds of pins and bookmarking every favorite idea I come across.  These ideas range from crafts to do with Hayden to recipes, and led to my first attempt at a photography shoot.

Oh, I take pictures all the time.  And I do mean all the time.  But I saw this adorable photograph and just had to try it on my boys.  So I hung up white sheets, taped lights to them, laid down the toddler mattresses and covered them with a furry soft blanket.  The tutorial showed icicle lights, but I only had straight lights on hand, so I purposefully strung the lights rather haphazardly (if that makes any sense.)  I was so proud of my set up and couldn’t wait for the boys to wake up so I could try it. (Unfortunately the tape couldn’t hold the sheet up anymore and fell before I thought to get a photograph of the backdrop.)

I gave up when the urge to yell at Hayden for rolling over his brother for the umpteenth time almost overwhelmed me.  Then I loaded the pictures to the computer and, being addicted to taking photos and obviously a glutton for punishment, we went back downstairs after lunch with the plan to take a few more pictures of the boys together since those turned out the worst.

I was chagrined to see the sun out in full and shadowed lines across my carefully planned photo op.  So, I did what any desperate mother pretending to be a photographer would do and I used painters tape to tape a white sheet over the window. 

The lighting was actually much better than the morning’s light had been.  The boys were still pretty uncooperative and some of the morning together photos were actually better.  Then I put Hayden down for rest time and went back down with Mason and shot about 10 more pictures while he didn’t have his brother trying to claim the spot light.  Those are definitely my favorites of Mason, the lighting was so much better and I was able to get his attention with some funny noises and also just take pictures of him playing with the ornaments. 

I have to say that the results made it totally worth it.  The pictures aren’t perfect, some are awful, the focus is off on some of them and there are random feet, fingers and toes missing in others, but overall there were several that turned out pretty good.  I learned so much about picture taking, the hands on experience was great and thankfully I’ve got my boys to experiment on so no else’s children were tortured in the process.  I’m also excited about the pictures and proud of myself for venturing out and trying something new.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Purposeful Moments

It only takes a moment to create memories that will last a lifetime.  The holidays always start me thinking about family, togetherness and traditions.  Its so easy to get caught up in the mayhem of the holidays, the buying gifts and forgetting that the whole point of a family dinner is the gathering itself.  Not the turkey on the table or the gifts under the tree.

I’ve been trying over the last few years to do things with Hayden (and now Mason) that will hopefully become lasting traditions throughout the year.  Some of those things are big things, such as Thanksgiving dinner.  Others are smaller, but still significant.

For the past two years, the day after Thanksgiving we go to a light festival of some sort to kick of the Christmas season.  The first year we went to the Memphis Zoo Lights.  Last year we went to the Shelby Farms Light Drive.  So this year I wanted to do the same, but being in a new place, plus the cost and distance made it hard to find an event that worked for us.  Eventually I found a wonderful neighborhood just 15 minutes up the road where 6-7 houses decorate elaborately and all the lights are timed to music.  It was small but beautiful.  It was so fun to see an everyday neighborhood transformed into a Christmas light show.  It really lifted our moods even higher and put us in the “Christmas Spirit” if you will.

But again, it made me think of all the things that create a sense of family.  The rest of the weekend was spent Christmas shopping and decorating.  It would have been easy to get busy and just want to get it done.  But instead, I let Hayden put ornaments on the tree anywhere he wanted… and I didn’t move them.  He helped Daddy put up lights outside while I fluffed trees inside and put up stockings.  We spent time saying, “Merry Christmas” over a cup of hot cocoa (even with it being 65 degrees out.)

Those tiny moments in between, the purposefulness of it all, creates traditions, connection and lasting memories that will tie us together for years to come.  They are what make us family.

Friday, November 25, 2011

{This Moment}- Holiday Beginnings:Sweet Endings

{this moment} - A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.

Inspired by SouleMama

Monday, November 21, 2011

How Does Your Garden Grow? Front Yard

Our front flower beds needed mulching, badly.  So this weekend we planned a “garden day” for Saturday.  It was a wonderful day.  Don’t get me wrong, it was work.  We trimmed bushes, weeded, spread mulch and more.  Arnie is still sore from shoveling, wheeling and dumping mulch.  But really Hayden made a day of work into a day of fun.  He had a blast following Daddy around with his little wheelbarrow full of mulch and dumping it just where he thought we needed it.  He dragged around the rake, jumped in the leaves, “helped” us prune bushes, plant flower bulbs, pretended to be a frog and entertained Baby Mason. 

He chattered away and the things that came out of his mouth just melted your heart and made you want to sing.  Just a few of my favorites…

“You’re a good cutter Daddy.”  When Arnie was pruning several of our large grassy-bush things.

“I love mulch!”  Of course, he loved carting it around, throwing it, climbing on the mulch pile… you get the idea.

“Garden Day is a great day.”  Randomly said, throughout the entire day.

Its truly amazing what being outside in the fresh air and doing something productive can do.  Hayden, at 3 years old, has such pride in those flower beds now.  We pull out of the driveway or go outside and he talks about how “we did that” and that it “was fun” and “garden day is a good day”. 

I can hardly wait until spring when the daffodils, tulips and buttercups start to push up through the dirt and mulch and point out to Hayden how the work of that one garden day brought beauty all the way into the spring.

Friday, November 18, 2011

{This Moment}- Sleeping Sweet

{this moment} - A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.

Inspired By Soulemama

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Wash On

Yesterday my new dishwasher arrived!  Arnie spent all evening (ok- until midnight) hooking it up.  Aside from starting it for a few minutes to make sure the hook-ups didn’t leak, I didn’t run it yesterday.

At first not having a dishwasher didn’t seem like a huge inconvenience.  After all, people washed dishes by hand for thousands of years.  And I’ve read on so many blogs and in so many books how meditative and relaxing it can be to have your hands in a sink full of hot soapy water, rhythmically washing and rinsing.  Um… no.  Not for me at least.

I found that I spent so much more time cleaning the kitchen that I had less time to do other chores around the house, it made me want to cook less and the evenings that we usually try to squeeze some family time into were completely taken up by soap suds and wash cloths. 

Arnie would be spending time with the boys.  Trying to appease Mason, who’s getting cranky and tired; and trying to reign in Hayden, who wants to get some quality wrestle time in with Daddy.  And there I’d be watching from my position at the sink.  I didn’t like it at all.

Today I spent the day loading my dishwasher after each meal, making my typical clean up simpler than it has been in a long while.  Later, (in an attempt to get back on track with cooking all homemade meals) I defrosted some homemade spaghetti sauce, browned the meat and added a side salad.  After dinner while Arnie was wrangling with both boys, I started in on the dishes and then Hayden asked if he could play his preschool lotto game.  (Its this one from Eboo.  He absolutely loves it and asks to play it multiple times a week.)  I was so happy that I could say, “Just let Mommy wipe down the counter tops and we’ll have time to play before bedtime snack.” 

I pressed start on the dishwasher and off to the coffee table we went to play his board game.  It was so wonderful.  Hayden, Daddy and I played while Mason kept pulling himself up on the coffee table giggling with delight whenever he almost got one of the cards.  It seemed so silly to blog about a dishwasher, so much so that I almost didn’t post this, but anything that helps me to create cherished moments with my family is worth blogging about.  And today, we had just that.

So I completely forgot to take pictures of us playing his lotto game.  (Ooops!)  But here's one of my new dishwasher!  :-)

Friday, November 11, 2011

{This Moment}- Photo Op

{this moment} - A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.

Inspired By Soulemama

Thursday, November 10, 2011

To Pause

It’s the time of year when you wish for your pace to slow.  To pause.  To enjoy the brief days before they become shorter still.  Yet this is the time of year when, alternatively, things get busier.  Our family has seven birthdays just between October 21st and November 17th.  On top of that the calendar fills with social events, service projects and very soon, Christmas shopping. (For me anyway- I know many thrifty mamas are already well on their way.  Maybe next year I can manage that.  Maybe.) 

But today the chill in the air and the falling, crunching leaves make me just want to curl up with a good book.  Never mind that I did exactly that yesterday.  Or I could just sit and stare at the tree filling our front window with all its brilliant red glory.  Then again I’d love to simply knit and watch the boys play (that is- if they’d let me.)  Or perhaps I could peruse the internet reading my favorite blogs and searching for Christmas gifts ideas for my little ones, who actually need absolutely nothing but Mommy- ahem, I mean Santa, wants to spoil anyways. 

Instead, I will do more cleaning, organizing and start packing for our quick weekend trip to Michigan for my father-in-law’s 50th birthday, which my mother-in-law so sweetly offered to us.  We’re right in the thick of everything, with a food drive the week we get back and then preparation for my parents visit to us for Thanksgiving.  After that… well I’ll write about it later. 

Sometimes the busyness can feel overwhelming.   That'swhen I have to remind myself to enjoy the pauses when they come and to otherwise embrace the busy, sometimes chaotic but usually celebratory time of family, friends and love.

Today's Pause...

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

How Does Your Garden Grow?

Moving into the new house at the end of May, I purposely didn’t plant a garden.  I knew life would be too busy and settling in to the inside of the house more important.  But now I’m itching to get some compost in the ground and prep it for the spring.  I want to have a garden next year, and my thoughts are to do the hard prep work this fall, let the compost sit over the winter and then come spring… viola! Planting time!  Of course I’m completely an amateur gardener, so learning what to do in a new state is a bit intimidating, especially since I only had 3 small garden beds at our old place.

The main problem is, we live at the top of a hill that has lots of large granite rocks (read: boulders) in the ground all through the yard.  In addition our dirt isn’t, well, dirt.  Its Georgia red clay.  How do I till that?  Without a rotatiller? Ok, that’s three problems, not one.

The debate is- raised beds or work with what I have?  Raised beds would probably be easier, but the size of the garden I want hardly makes that economical.  But working with what we have, well I don’t know much about how stuff grows in red clay.  Especially vegetables, so if we have to do lots of supplementing to the soil that might not be practical either. 

On Friday we went to the library and I picked up several books on Georgia gardening and might get a soil testing kit to send to the state for soil analysis.  Hopefully both will shed some light on how to make my soil produce or help me make the decision to do a huge raised be garden instead. 

I’ll certainly post pictures once we decide what to do and start the work.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Celebrations- Birthday Time

Yesterday was my sweetie’s birthday.  Not one of the little sweets, but my awesome husband, Arnie.  Overall it was a laid back day, with bits of birthday fun thrown in.  After church in the morning, he decided on a yummy cheesecake for his birthday cake, went for a nice walk in the neighborhood and ate dinner at one of his favorite Mexican restaurants, Los Maguey.  We did gifts before Hayden went to bed.  I tease him and tell him he’s getting old.  (Ya, know 29 is almost 30.  Although I don’t actually think 30 is old either, but its fun to joke.)  But its so easy to take those we love for granted, and what better way to celebrate them than think of what wonderful things they bring to us.

He’s a wonderful provider.  I get to stay home with our kiddos while he works and supports us so diligently.  I’m so grateful.

He brings laughter to all of us.  Whether through tickles or teasing, he always has the ability to make us smile. 

He loves our little boys beyond measure.  There’s no question that they are his world and he’s an amazing Daddy.

He loves me even with my quirks.  I love to do things “grannies” do, like garden, knit and sew.  And in spite of my penchant for natural home care products, home birth and organic food, he supports me through it all.

If you can’t tell, he’s a pretty great guy.

We love you and hope your birthday was wonderful!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Three Reasons I Love Early Saturday Mornings

I’m not a morning person.  And I really mean that.  The baby woke up early this morning and Arnie and Hayden still needed to sleep, which means I got up with Mason.  So instead of wishing I were cuddled warmly under the covers with my eyes still shut, I focused on the three reasons I love early Saturday mornings.

Reason 1:  It actually is kind of nice to lie on the couch rather listlessly and watch the sun come up through the front room window while Mason played on the floor next to me.  (Hey, it was early and that’s all I was capable of.)

Reason 2:  The morning is the quietest part of the day.  Even after the kiddos go to bed, we usually have the TV on or something making noise, even the white noise machine to help the kiddos sleep.  I enjoyed the simple quiet this morning.

Reason 3:  It was way too fun to watch Mason as he crawled around chasing a balloon from Hayden’s birthday and playing with an empty box.  His big giggles were a joy to wake up to.

Friday, November 4, 2011

{this moment}

{this moment} - A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.

Inspired by Soulemama

Thursday, November 3, 2011

The Fall of the Year

This is our first fall in Atlanta and I wasn’t sure what to expect.  Autumn is my favorite season.  The last five years we were in Memphis and there I wouldn’t call the months of September through November (or December for that matter) “fall”.  But I’ve been pleasantly surprised here.  I’ve noted places to go apple picking next year.  And except for a few days, its not been too cold, in fact, most of October was actually warmer than I would like… but now its perfect sweater weather.  On top of that, we’re getting beautiful color.  The trees are vibrant reds, perfect yellows, and crispy browns. 

Its such a beautiful season and the colors for me really signify change.  Hayden’s circle time has switched to our November poems and songs and I just love the poem by Ellen Robena Field called A Fall Song.  I think I love it more than he does actually.  He tends to prefer our very active Scarecrow, Scarecrow and Three Red Apples. 

A Fall Song has four parts and I love them all, but one of my favorites is this one:

Now the days grow cold,
As the year grows old,
And the meadows are brown and sere;
Brave robin redbreast
Has gone from his nest,
For this is the Fall of the year.

Yes, the year is growing old.  Thanksgiving is only three weeks away and while I’m reveling in the season I’m also a bit sad that things are going by so fast. Hayden’s birthday came so quickly and the day was so busy that I didn’t even have time to blog about it (I’ll be sure to get pictures of it up though.)  And Mason only started crawling a month ago but he’s already working up the courage to stand up and move along the furniture.  So while I sit and sip on hot apple cider (cinnamon stick included) I reminisce and enjoy the season that our lives are in right now- full of pitter patters and bumps, as well as the actual season. 

I hope you’re enjoying your “fall of the year” just as much as I am.

The view out our window.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Autumn Productivity

For some reason, autumn is a time where I’m just itching to be productive.  I get a creative bug and want to do all kinds of things.  (See this post on knitting and sewing.)  The baby blanket and felt birthday crown might be done, but those aren’t the only two projects I’ve got planned.  We went apple picking in Michigan and I’ve been making applesauce.  I would like to get at least two more batches of that made along with some apple pie filling for the freezer.  (And along those lines I’ve got things I need to do, such as make chicken stock and extra meals for the freezer, but those things aren’t near as fun as apple deliciousness.)   I put out all kinds of fall decorations.  I’ve also got scarves and hats to knit for winter wear and I want to make an activity advent calendar for Hayden this year.  In addition to that, I’ve got fabric to make living room curtains, which doesn’t match our walls and so equates to a paint job as well.

What is it about fall that compels me to bring out the sewing machine, cast on the knitting needles, and turn on the crock-pot?  Is there some innate sense that I must get ready for winter like a squirrel gathers its nuts?  It doesn’t sound at all fun or whimsical when I put it that way, but maybe its just a practical natural thing.  A time of preparation for the colder, less vigorous season of the year.  Of course, that preparation isn’t what it used to be in the old days. 

I knit because I enjoy it and love seeing the boys wear something I made, not because its necessary to our survival.  I love the simple joy of opening a jar of my own applesauce up to eat with dinner.  Seeing curtains hanging in my living room that I made would be very satisfying.  And watching Mason cozy up to a blanket that I poured my love into overwhelms me with its sweet tenderness.  Using my (albeit-limited) skills might be some internal instinct to prepare for the upcoming season, but that bit of homemade goodness adds just a little extra touch of heart-warming, home-filling affection and love.  And perhaps that is whimsical.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

{this moment}

{this moment} - A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.

So today is Saturday, but I've been wanting to add the "this moment" to my blog for forever, so here is this week's moment- on Saturday.

{this moment} Borrowed from soulemama

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Knitting, Sewing and Showing Off

Today has been a super productive day around here.  That productivity feels wonderful after both Hayden and I being sick for over a week, and as a result, we did nothing.  And I certainly mean nothing.  Now we’re getting back into the swing of things: doing circle time (a new thing for us), getting the house back in order, cooking meals, and… I finished two projects today.  Woot!

Well, to be fair, the knitting I finished last week while sick but today I finally washed and blocked it, so it’s now drying on the floor in our guest room.  My knitting project is Mason’s baby blanket.  This is the pattern I used, with a modification on the bind off I found on Ralvery.  I decided that it was time to get going on the baby blanket since I started it at the end of my pregnancy and hadn’t touched it since we moved.  I’m so glad that I switched colors frequently; otherwise I think the piece might have gotten tedious.  It was over 600 stitches around by the time I finished.  One thing I discovered that I need to learn: how to frog correctly.  There are several glaring mistakes in the blanket, but by the time I realized they were there I was afraid to unravel for fear of messing it up more than it already was.  But overall I’m proud of it.  It’s by far my biggest knit undertaking and just finishing it is encouraging.

The other project I finished today was a felt birthday crown for Hayden.  His birthday is coming up on Wednesday and I SO wanted to do this for him, but was afraid that I would run out of time.  This is the pattern I used  The instructions were easy to follow and I was so happy with how quickly it came together.  I’ll be honest, I essentially copied her design just switching the colors to Hayden’s preference and using the decorative stitches available on my machine.  I think it turned out great.  Now I just hope Hayden loves it as much as I do.  J  I’ll also post pictures of him in it next Wednesday.

I could have cleaned the house instead of spending that time on fun projects- it definitely needs it.  But there’s something incredibly relaxing about handwork, and it’s so satisfying to see the finished project and think, “I did that!”  The fact that the things I created are for my boys only adds to that feeling of satisfaction and pride.  So, here I am, shamelessly showing off.  ;-)

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Me Time

           “Me time.”  I heard the phrase a thousand times while I was pregnant with Hayden.  “Make sure you take time for you” was the most common advice I received.  Well, I didn’t.  I honestly don’t think I knew how.  It was so automatic those first months (ok- years) to just spend my time focused on our home and Hayden.  It was too easy to feel behind if I worked on a craft project or sat down to lose myself in a book.  Or I’d feel like I was neglecting my family if dinner wasn’t from scratch and on the table at the same time every night.  Then along came Mason, a move across three states, a new job for Arnie and well… you get the idea.  Me time was non-existent, I still didn’t know how to do it and yet I needed it more than ever. 
I began to feel awful about myself.  I felt frumpy, I didn’t like my post-pregnancy body, the house didn’t seem clean enough for how much time I spent on it and I felt like I wasn’t being a good mommy to my boys.  I needed to do something to get out of the funk that I was in, but again, how do I do that?
It started with a Pilates class 3 months ago.  I’d never done Pilates.  I’m not athletic…at all.  But our neighbor across the street hosts a Pilates class in her basement every Monday night and invited me to come.  Arnie encouraged me to go, so I did, and it was so much fun.
I love my Monday night workouts, talking to other Moms in our neighborhood and stretching my body.  I feel great when I get home and know when I miss a week.  But more than working out, its encouraged me to take more time for myself.  I don’t leave the boys with daddy any other night of the week, but I realized that when I took that time I was a better Mommy all the way around.  So now, even if I have stuff to do around the house, I take the boys’ daily rest time to do something for me.  I read, write, knit or take a little snooze of my own (that’s only occasionally though).  Its so nice to feel refreshed and ready to be there for my boys.  Of course, a lot of the time they don’t nap at the same time and those days I don’t get “me time.”  But because I’ve spent other days focused on doing something small for myself, it doesn’t bother me.
Its also helped me to see other areas that I’ve neglected.  My wardrobe was horrible (something I realized when trying to pack for Michigan’s cooler weather for our visit to see family).  Nothing fit and I’m missing some key items (like a coat!) and while I was putting it off until I lost all the pregnancy weight, I can see that it was affecting the way I feel about myself.  I hardly ever wear make-up or actually do my hair, and these are things I used to enjoy that made me feel good about myself.  So I got my hair done before our Michigan trip and I started to remedy the clothing issue with a fun shopping trip with my mom just yesterday. 
I have a long way to go on making sure I take care of myself, and because its easy to fall back into old habits I have to actually remind myself that I’m important too and that I’m better at taking care of my family when I carve out time for me.  Yes, carve it out.
I still don’t have it together.  I’m still frumpy most days, the house is messier than I’d like and there’s always room for improvement on the Mommy front.  But Im slowly beginning to feel better about me and that makes a world of difference in how I view life.  Now if only I could make myself workout more often than Monday Pilates.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Labor Day Camping

The weeks have flown by and I haven’t had a moment to write, so I wanted to do so while I had the chance.  Over Labor Day weekend we went camping at a little campground called Enota in the north Georgia mountains.  The staff was wonderful and the grounds beautiful. 
The campground has a working farm and does tours every day.  So Hayden got to gather eggs, milk a cow, feed the baby bull (who wasn’t so little), pet bunnies and goats and see baby chicks.  He also got to ride one of the miniature horses, Max, who was the highlight of Hayden’s weekend.  In addition to all of this there were campfires, s’mores and hiking that led to a beautiful waterfall.  There’s even a 2 mile hiking trail that leads to the Appalachian Trail, but I wasn’t brave enough for that toting a toddler and a 6 month old.
                Mason was great and just took it all in.  Of course, even though I set him on the blanket whenever we were cooking and whatnot, he managed to squirm his way to the edge and grab at the grass.  He was covered in it anytime I picked him up, it was so cute.  Arnie got to spend time with the boys in both quality and quantity, something that’s difficult to do in the hustle and bustle of home.
                We ended up heading out on Sunday and stopped in Helen, a small, touristy “German” town.  We got some delicious authentic German food.  Otherwise, I definitely prefer the less hectic and less tourist-driven Frankenmuth in Michigan.  Which sounds funny, because Frankenmuth is definitely tourist driven, but somehow its much better done.
                In a few summers when Mason is older we might try tubing down the Chattahoochee River, near the campground.  It looked like a lot of fun and I think the boys would love it.
I can hardly believe the weekend is over.  It was such a great way to connect with each other and with nature.  We camped right on the creek and mixed with the din of crickets was the sound of bubbling water flowing over the rocks.  There’s a peacefulness that comes when listening to the sounds of nature and a crackling fire, to a child’s laughter or squeal when he discovers something previously unknown.  What’s wonderful is that we get to bring a little bit of that home with us, that sense of tranquility and extra family harmony that being together wholly in nature does for us like nothing else can.  And what’s more, if we’re lucky, it will last us until the next time.