So again, I’ve been a bad blogger and haven’t written in quite a while. In fact, I didn’t blog on my baby’s first birthday and all other manner of occasions. I tried a work from home job for about six weeks that took up all my computer time, in fact it took up every moment of free time that I had. But also, we’ve been spending lots and lots of time outside.
Yesterday was the first day of Spring! While its been wonderfully warm here for several weeks, its now official, the vernal equinox was yesterday. We have been enjoying so much time outside, playing every afternoon until its time to come in and cook dinner and then reluctantly dragging ourselves in.
I’ve tried several times to take a book and bask in the sun reading, but Mason is much too active to let me read more than a few lines at a time. We played in leaves yet to be raked up from fall and its even been warm enough that the boys have played in the water table. Occasionally I wonder how hot the summer is going to be if the spring is already this warm, but then I decide to worry about it later and just enjoy the sunshine and occasional rainstorm. We’ve seen lots of wasps though. Does anyone know a natural way to get rid of wasps? They’re buzzing all around the house and yard and I’m a bit nervous about the boys getting stung.
I have hopes of getting the raised garden beds up this weekend, so planting can start soon. I’m excited to have a garden this year; I missed not digging my fingers into the soil last year. I’ll have to figure out a way to keep the bunnies out though... and Mason.
I hope wherever you are that Spring is shinning down on you.
Happy Spring!