Monday, August 15, 2011

Play & Progress

So last week Pa got to visit us for a few days.  It was great timing because Arnie was going out of town for a few days at the same time, so we weren’t all by ourselves and had a distraction with Pa.  He got to love on his grand-boys and played hide-and-seek with Hayden over and over again.  It was so much fun to watch them.  The pool was a big hit too, especially in this heat, which is in full blast in August.

I’m so grateful to have family.  We know that this is where we’re supposed to be, but sometimes its hard when you realize how much of the boys growing up the grandparents miss.  This week Arnie’s parents and nephew will be in town and I’m sure Hayden will have a blast; he’s been looking forward to it ever since Pa left.
But just because we’re in between visits from the grandparents doesn’t mean that its been a dull week.  Hayden decided that he wanted to start wearing big boy underwear and go potty in the toilet.  (Yay!)  He’s been doing great, with only a few accidents a day.  Once he’s determined there’s no stopping him.  Mason had been busy as well.  He rolled over, from back to belly.  I was so excited that Arnie thought the house was on fire as I was yelling for him to come into the living room.  I promptly got the camera and rolled Mason back over in hopes that he would do it again.  Of course, he got mad that I ruined all his hard work and refused to cooperate.  Haha.  He also got to taste his first solid food.  We decided to do peaches, and while he wasn’t sure at first, he quickly warmed to the taste.  He still can’t really grab them up, they’re too slippery, but give him some time and I think he’ll be rivaling Hayden at the dinner table.
Its been a fun week to see all the developments taking place here.  Its crazy how quickly they grow.  When I write down everything that happened and realize that it all took place in the course of a week, it just makes me realize how much I need to savor these times because they only come around once.  So here’s to a week of play and progress, with many more to come!

Friday, August 5, 2011

"Those" Days

We had several days this week that were “those” kind of days.  You know the ones.  It completely broadsided me.  I didn’t see it coming and had no idea what to do to make it better.  Those are days you just work to get through.  There’s no cleaning, dinner is takeout and by bedtime, you are so exhausted that you wonder how much longer you can keep up.  At least that’s what I did.  I began to think that the terrible two’s had come upon us late and transformed my child into a small ogre and that it would be years before I got my sweet baby boy back.  Yes, those days were that bad.  Then Thursday morning dawned.
                We woke up earlier than usual, and I was immediately apprehensive because I thought that might make matters worse and we were in for another day of tears and tantrums.  My only goals for the day were to clean up the disaster in my kitchen and put dinner in the crock pot so we didn’t have to eat out three days in a row.  Happily, I did both of those plus a load of laundry.  I have to admit that I was so tempted to do more, to catch up on the chores left undone earlier in the week.  But I didn’t.  Mason went down for his morning nap and I snatched up the monitor and Hayden and I went outside.
                It was hot, but beautiful. The high school down the road was having marching band practice and the drums gave tempo to our play.  We checked all the birdhouses in the backyard (despite them being here from the previous owners, unused by birds and in need of repair).  We chased the giant ball all around and when Mason woke up the game continued while I carried him on my hip.  We were outside until noon, and then I went in to make lunch while Hayden kept playing.
                The rest of the day was just as peaceful.  We had rest time and then, because Thursday is painting day, Hayden painted while Mason had belly time in the play room and I just sat watching and talking and playing with them.  After painting we did baths.  Mason had so much fun splashing in the water, and Hayden of course played and played.  Dinner was a bit hectic to finish up, but then, that just seems to come with the time of day.  The evening followed in the same happy way, and when bedtime came the day closed with quiet cuddles and our traditional stories.  Walking down the stairs after he fell asleep, all I could think was how wonderful the day had been. 
                Would it have been so great if we hadn’t had such crazy days previously?  I would guess not.  The peace, contentment and joy of the day were immeasurably sweet, in part because they were surrounded by the chaotic.  I realized that this was the kind of day I live for, where I can delight in my family.  Its the kind that makes everything worth it, even “those” days.